2023-24 Electives Catalog
Fall Semester
Distance Learning
BL512-DL Scripture's Use of Scripture | Dr. Madison Pierce
Authors of Scripture often utilized other authoritative writings, or "scripture," when writing their own works. This course will explore places where later texts draw upon earlier texts to say something about God and God's work in the world. The course will (1) provide an introduction to the "uses" of biblical texts in other biblical texts through definitions and a survey of common challenges (e.g., variation between Greek and Hebrew traditions); (2) discuss how our own interpretive approaches influence our understanding of ancient “uses”; and (3) provide frameworks for our own "uses" of scripture in our ministry and devotional lives. Synchronous classes on three weekends (Sept 15-16, Oct 13-14, Nov 10-11) meeting Friday 4:00-6:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm, and Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm & 1:00-3:00pm. Students may attend online or in person.
BL526-DL Psalms & Wisdom Literature | Dr. Carol Bechtel
An exegetical study of selected psalms in the context of both the Old Testament and the larger canon of Scripture. Attention is given to the role of the psalms in the liturgical, devotional, and theological life of the church. The Wisdom Literature of the Bible explores the forms, vocabulary, and concepts of wisdom in the Bible, emphasizing Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. Fully online.
CC520-DL Trauma Informed Care in Ministry | Dr. Elizabeth Pennock
This course will equip Christian leaders to approach ministry from a trauma-informed perspective. Students will explore theological topics related to trauma and suffering, understand the broad-reaching impact of psychological trauma on individuals and communities, and examine models for trauma-informed ministry. The impact of vicarious trauma on Christian leaders will also be addressed. Fully online.
MN590-DL Deaf Theology & Ministry | Dr. Tom Hudspeth
We will explore biblical narratives through Deaf perspectives to develop a Christian theology of ministry that is with, of, by and for the Deaf. Students will discern how to model a Deaf ministry that is focused not on the difference from being hearing, but upon being Deaf in the image of God. Fulfills one GCDM elective requirement. Fully online.
MN593-DL These Shimmering Truths | Dr. Winn Collier
Through theological essays, iconography, music, visual art, fiction, poetry, architecture, and more, we will ponder and experience what C.S. Lewis referred to as the “baptized imagination.” Together, we will contemplate a myriad of questions: What do we mean by “Christian Imagination”? Why is it essential? And how do we nurture this sacred gift? Fully online.
BL545-IR Paul's Letter to the Galatians | Dr. Wesley Hill
In a white heat of passion, Paul wrote to the churches he founded in Galatia to defend what he called "the truth of the gospel" against a particularly insidious imposter. This course will explore Paul's defense of his gospel with a view to what it entails for today's church, as we face our own challenges of fidelity to the truth and the rejection of counterfeits. Tuesdays & Fridays 10:45am - 12:00pm.
MN562-IR Liturgical Shenanigans | Dr. Ron Rienstra
Rituals are enacted everyday by humans in all cultures—at theaters and stadiums, libraries and marketplaces, bathrooms and fire pits, as well as places of worship. They are one of the most important ways we both express and shape our understanding of the meaning of life. In this course we will engage readings at the intersection of cultural anthropology and practical theology. Additional reading about climate change will get us started identifying lacunae in the church’s ritual repertoire. The bulk of our time will be spent experimenting with liturgical shenanigans to fill those gaps—attending to the work of the Spirit in and through our holy play in the neighborhood of symbol, performance, embodiment, and transcendence. Tuesdays 1:30 - 4:15pm.
MN587-IR Living into Community | Dr. Carlos Thompson
Students will spend time critically reflecting upon what it means to live into community as an act of mutual discipleship. Students will engage questions such as: What is discipleship? What is a Christian community? What is the difference between a Christian community and a social group? And, what does it mean to belong to, rather than simply be included in, a Christian community? Intended for residents of Friendship House but is open to other interested students. Tuesdays & Fridays 10:45am-12:00pm.
Spring Semester
Distance Learning
BL501-DL Exodus: Explorations in Liberation | Dr. Travis West
The Book of Exodus includes some of the most iconic and theologically significant moments in the life of the people of Israel, from the Burning Bush to the exodus, from the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai to the construction of the Tabernacle—stories and themes that reverberate throughout the entire Bible. It includes narrative and law codes, poetry and history. This exegetical course will explore these moments and themes from multiple perspectives, with particular emphasis given to the theme of liberation—both as the book’s essential content and as an interpretive lens. Fully online.
BL532-DL Gospel of John | Dr. Wesley Hill
An overview of the theological and narrative shaping of the fourth gospel, using close readings of selected texts. Particular attention is paid to John's literary design and theological distinctiveness. Fully online.
MN355-DL Missional Preaching | Rev. Tom Elenbaas
Building on the foundations of other core missional preaching and communication courses, this class will take a specific look at the theory and practice of preaching in environments with fewer Christians and a focus on highly unchurched populations: new churches, missionary contexts, and outreach-focused situations. Students will enhance their specific skills, practice, and understanding of cultural exegesis, contextualization, and content development. Students will be given opportunities to write, deliver, and receive feedback on a sermon crafted towards a specific context. This course will help build increasing confidence and understanding of preaching in pre-churched, de-churched, and post-Christian contexts. Synchronous on Tuesday nights 7:00 - 9:00pm. Students may attend online or in person.
MN580-DL Healing Ministry of the Church | Dr. Carlos Thompson
What is healing? What does it mean to be healthy? What does Jesus’ life and ministry model for us about how God defines health and offers healing? How does one’s definition of health and healing influence one’s understanding of faithful ministry on the whole? Through dialogue around questions like these, students will be invited to: (1) gain an overview of how the Church has historically understood what it means to heal and be healed; (2) critically engage existing understandings of health and healing alongside a close reading of key biblical texts (with particular attention paid to the healing ministry of Jesus); and (3) construct their own practically actionable theology of healing. Fulfills one GCDM elective requirement. Fully online.
TH565-DL Disability & Theology in the Christian Tradition | Dr. Jill Harshaw
What is disability? How has disability been understood theologically in the Christian tradition? This course examines theologies of disability with the aim of helping students to comprehend and articulate their own working theology of disability. Required for GCDM; elective for other programs. Fully online.
TH622-DL Perspectives | Dr. Keith Starkenburg
Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson education course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. The course examines the story of God fulfilling His promises from four vantage points or “perspectives” — Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic. Perspectives is an awe-inspiring comprehensive course that has profoundly impacted hundreds of thousands of students during the past 45+ years. From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus to the early Church, and St. Augustine to the present, students learn how God moves, how the global Church responds, and the remaining task of world evangelization. Perspectives isn’t a course solely about world missions. It’s a study program rooted in Scripture clarifying each believer’s remarkable opportunity to co-labor with God in His global purpose. Fully online.
TH532-IR Augustine of Hippo: His Life & Thought | Dr. Han-luen Kantzer Komline
This course explores the life and thought of Augustine. Students will engage this North African Christian living on the margins of the crumbling Roman Empire in his own words, reading both selections from classics like Confessions and On the Trinity and lesser-known texts stemming more directly from Augustine’s pastoral ministry. We will consider some major streams of thought important for understanding Augustine’s work (Manicheism, Platonism, Donatism, Pelagianism) as well as exploring the key features of his theology. Tuesdays 1:30 - 4:15pm.
Summer Term
All Summer Term Electives
BL508-DL Revelation | Dr. Madison Pierce
BL515-DL The Trinity in the New Testament | Dr. Wesley Hill
The New Testament is fundamental to the development of Nicene Trinitarian doctrine. This course will focus on that forward movement — how the NT texts helped shape later conciliar Trinitarian theology — as well as on the corresponding backward movement — how later Trinitarian doctrine can help us to reread the New Testament in the Church today. Fully online.
BL618-IR Advanced Biblical Hebrew | Dr. Travis West
MN581-DL Ministry & Margins | Dr. Benjamin Conner
Explores the boundary-crossing ministry of Jesus, in particular how he redefined the margin and the center with a Kingdom perspective. The class will consider ways in which ministry to and with those who are often marginalized in our society can amplify the witness of our congregations. People groups that are underserved include but are not limited to, the elderly or homebound, people suffering from dementia, people in group homes, people struggling with literacy, people with disabilities, people living in poverty, immigrant communities, and people without homes. Fulfills one GCDM elective requirement. Fully online.
Registration Resources
Link to 2023-24 Registration Materials Links to an external site.
kyle.wigboldy@westernsem.edu Email Registrar:
Student Portal: https://westernsem.mycampus-app.com/app#login Links to an external site.